
Posted by Matt Heim 2024-06-05

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Retainers are custom-made orthodontic appliances used after braces or aligner treatment to maintain the corrected alignment of teeth. They come in various types, such as Hawley retainers with an acrylic base and metal wires or clear Essix retainers made of transparent plastic. Retainers work by holding teeth in their new positions, allowing the surrounding bone and tissues to stabilize. This prevents teeth from shifting back to their original misalignment, ensuring the smile achieved through orthodontic treatment remains stable and aligned over time. Regular wear of retainers, as prescribed by the orthodontists in Oklahoma City, OK, is crucial in preventing relapse and maintaining the effectiveness of the initial treatment. Proper care, including cleaning and storing retainers correctly, further ensures their longevity and ability to support long-term dental health and confidence in one's smile.

Types of Retainers

Hawley Retainers

Hawley retainers are among the most traditional and recognizable types. They consist of acrylic material and metal wires that wrap around the teeth. The acrylic portion rests against the roof of the mouth or the tongue side of the lower teeth while the wires are adjusted to maintain the teeth in corrected positions. These adjustable retainers allow orthodontists to fine-tune their fit over time as the teeth stabilize. Hawley retainers are durable and can be customized with various colors or designs on the acrylic part.


  • Durable and adjustable
  • Allows for minor tooth movements
  • Cost-effective
  • Long-lasting with proper care

Essix Retainers

Essix retainers, also known as clear retainers, are made from transparent plastic materials that fit snugly over the entire arch of teeth. They resemble clear aligners like Invisalign but are explicitly designed to retain teeth in their current position rather than move them. Essix retainers are virtually invisible when worn, making them popular among patients concerned about aesthetics. They are comfortable to wear and easy to remove for eating and cleaning, although they may be less durable than Hawley retainers and need replacement more frequently.


  • Virtually invisible when worn
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Comfortable and easy to wear
  • No metal components, reducing mouth irritation

Bonded Retainers

Bonded retainers, also known as fixed retainers, consist of a thin wire bonded to the back of the front teeth, typically on the lower arch but sometimes on the upper arch. These retainers are not removable and provide continuous retention without patient compliance. They are particularly effective at preventing relapse in cases with a high risk of teeth shifting back to their original positions. However, they require meticulous oral hygiene to prevent plaque buildup around the bonded wire.


  • Provides continuous retention
  • Prevents relapse without patient compliance
  • No daily maintenance is required
  • Effective for long-term retention

Why Are Retainers Important After Orthodontic Treatment?

Retainers are indispensable post-orthodontic treatment because they preserve the results achieved through braces or aligners. After months or even years of treatment, where braces have shifted teeth into their correct positions or aligners have guided them into alignment, the teeth and surrounding tissues need time to stabilize. This stabilization period is where retainers become essential.

Without retainers, there is a significant risk of teeth gradually moving back towards their original positions. This tendency occurs because the bone and tissues around the teeth have not fully adapted to their new alignment. Retainers in Oklahoma City, OK, effectively hold teeth in their corrected positions, allowing these supportive structures to remodel and solidify around the teeth's new arrangement. This process helps to maintain the improved bite and alignment achieved during orthodontic treatment.

Moreover, retainers help prevent orthodontic relapse, which refers to the teeth shifting back to their pre-treatment positions. This relapse can occur naturally due to various factors, including genetics, growth, and habitual behaviors like tongue thrusting or teeth grinding. By wearing retainers as directed by the orthodontist, patients significantly reduce the likelihood of relapse, ensuring their smile remains stable and aligned over the long term.

Beyond the physical aspects, retainers also contribute to patients' confidence in their smiles. Knowing that their teeth remain straight and well-aligned provides a lasting sense of satisfaction and self-assurance. Orthodontists typically prescribe specific types of retainers tailored to each patient's needs and treatment outcomes, ensuring that the retention phase complements and completes the overall orthodontic journey effectively. Contact us today to learn more.

Tips for Taking Care of Your Retainers

  • Clean your retainers daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild soap or retainer cleaner. Avoid using toothpaste, as it can be abrasive and scratch the surface of your retainers.
  • When removing or inserting your retainers, handle them gently to avoid bending or damaging them. Use both hands and avoid pulling on one side to prevent warping.
  • After cleaning, store your retainers in a clean, dry case to prevent bacterial growth. Moisture can lead to the development of odors and increase the risk of fungal infections.
  • Retainers are sensitive to heat and can warp if exposed to hot water or direct sunlight. Always clean them with lukewarm water and store them away from heat sources.
  • Whenever you remove your retainers for meals, rinse them with water before putting them back in your mouth. This helps remove food particles and reduces the risk of plaque buildup.
  • Attend scheduled check-ups with our orthodontist to ensure your retainers fit effectively and adequately maintain your teeth' alignment. They can also advise on any needed adjustments.

Retainers are not just accessories after orthodontic treatment; they are crucial for maintaining your newly aligned smile. Visit Heim Orthodontics at 4320 McAuley Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK, 73120, or 923 South Main Street, Kingfisher, OK, 73750, to book your appointment and take the final step towards preserving your perfect smile! You can also schedule your appointment online or call (405) 755-8151 or (405) 375-5328.

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